February 2025
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Volunteers of the Rokiškis District Local Action Group suggested that the monuments of the district, which were fighting for freedom, be merged into one route for "Savas Rokiškis" and the Rokiškis Regional Museum. The route was tested in 2016, when in June. The 75th anniversary of mass deportations was commemorated in Lithuania. Residents of the district of different ages were then invited to travel to places reminiscent of freedom struggles. They supported the idea that such a route is necessary and meaningful not only during memorable days, but constantly operating. Then a project idea arose to use the district gymnasium to create a route.

Thus, at the end of September - beginning of October, the project is being implemented at full capacity, when the teams of five Rokiškis district gymnasiums, accompanied by the museologist Valius Kazlauskas, toured Rokiškis district, various areas located in the XX. a. monuments reminiscent of Lithuanian freedom struggles - 12 objects - monuments, bunkers, museums, which testify to the persistent resistance of the people of Rokiškis region to the occupation. Teams of gymnasium students are formed from young people who like to write historical essays, take photos or have good Lithuanian / English speaking skills.


Volunteer high school students from Rokiškis Juozas Tumas Vaižgantas were the first to leave on September 26. On the route of Lithuanian freedom fights in Rokiškis district. Valius Kazlauskas, a historian of the Rokiškis Regional Museum, accompanied the gymnasium students on the route of freedom fights around Rokiškis district.

After touring the objects, the gymnasium students of all Rokiškis district gymnasiums participating in the project "I want to testify” positively assessed the 6-hour 130 km of Lithuania in the 20th century. the route of freedom struggles around Rokiškis district. Of the 55 who submitted the completed anonymous questionnaires, 50 answered positively to the question of whether they liked it, 5 indicated that it was mediocre. Many respondents 49 also indicated that they would recommend the route to an acquaintance. However, it is interesting that many project participants do not believe that a person's guide can be replaced by an electronic guide - the votes were distributed as follows: could change - 18, doubt - 22, could not change - 15. Gymnasium students also made some comments on how to improve the trip: pay up to 5 Eur; several respondents single remarks to the organizers: too long staying at some objects and therefore rushing to visit others; fatigue due to excessive flow of information and a proposal to split the route into two parts or reduce the number of points of interest.

In October, the organizer of the project "I want to testify” reached the route "XX a. Lithuanian Road to Freedom: a leaflet and a poster six hours around Rokiškis district.

Both publications are bilingual (Lithuanian and English), so that it would be convenient for the route's popularizers - gymnasiums and,, Savas Rokiškis” - to share the story not only with their partners in Lithuania, but also abroad.

In the last weeks of October, the creative abilities of gymnasium students participating in the project "I want to testify” were assessed by the project partners - experts: photographer - artist Vaiva Kirstukienė (Public Institution “Kultūros inovacijos”), narrator - director Neringa Danienė (Public Institution “Kultūros inovacijos”) and songwriter and performer Vilija Urbonienė. The project is carried out by "Savas Rokiškis" together with Rokiškis district gymnasiums. The analysis of why one photo is included in the topic does not touch the viewer's eyes on how to take photos to achieve the expected result - a storytelling photo - these are informal lessons for project participants. Together during these meetings, photos and photographs were selected for the exhibition, which will soon begin its journey around the gymnasiums. Recommendations on how to improve diction are provided. Most of the time is devoted to individual work with each narrator.

Songwriter and performer Vilija Urbonienė encouraged gymnasium students to feel the word and thought.

In November, the photo exhibition of the project "I want to testify” gymnasium students “XX a. Lithuanian Road to Freedom: Six Hours in Rokiškis District” started its journey around gymnasiums. Pandėlis photographers were the first to see their works.

In November, the gymnasium students working on the project "I want to testify” recorded the stories and poetic texts of the route monuments.

December 8 from 3 p.m. The participants of the project "I want to testify” met at the event - in an interactive discussion. Those who are interested in the history of the Lithuanian freedom struggles and the Rokiškis region will take part in the discussion. The event took place in the Rokiškis Regional Museum (Art Gallery). Discuss with the community in the 20th century. Historians came to Lithuania on the themes of the struggle for freedom: Teresė Gailiūnienė, Algis Kazulėnas, Egidijus Vilimas, Gintaras Vaičiūnas, Valius Kazlauskas. Public figures were actively involved in the discussions: Honorary Citizens of Rokiškis Region, museologist Andrius Dručkus and Chairman of the Coordinating Council of Non-Governmental Organizations Helping to Strengthen the Defense Capabilities of Lithuania Algis Narutis, Gaudentas Aukštikalnis , Representatives of rural communities of Rokiškis district, and other people interested in the history of the region.

Summarizing the route of the XX century. Lithuanian Road to Freedom: Six Hours After Rokiškis District ”was born and the perspective of his guide Valius Kazlauskas invited the pedagogical community to agree and include the route in the curriculum, because no other district can present the history of Lithuanian fighting For the volunteers, the project participants wear light-reflecting vests with the name of the route "Lithuanian Freedom Fight Route". Volunteers will not only be able to move more safely during the dark hours of the day, but will also advertise their own route. The participants of the event were encouraged by the Lithuanian Road Administration with small gifts, but also reflectors that support the safety of pedestrians on the road. The reflector's picture depicts the most important message of the next year - the 100th anniversary of Lithuania's independence.

The project "I want to testify” takes place on August 25, 2017. - 31 December It is supported by the Lithuanian Culture Council, the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture, Rokiškis District Municipality. Through the project, using non-formal education methods, high school students create XX. a. Audio route of Lithuanian independence struggles in Rokiškis region and photo exhibition. Friends of the project: Rokiškis District Local Action Group, Public Institution "Kultūros inovacijos", Rokiškis Region Museum, songwriter and performer Vilija Urbonienė, director Neringa Danienė, museologist Valius Kazlauskas and all five Rokiškis district gymnasiums.